Thursday, May 24, 2007

Budapest is awesome but tiring

So much has happened in the last few days. I wish I had time to share but I don't. I will try later this week. Here are highlights, I ate chicken parts (ask me about them), I slept on a boat, I went to a symphony in a European concert hall, met my mentor, and fell asleep on two trains. Today I'm on my way to a real Turkish bath. Which is why I can't write long. Budapest is full of sights and things to do and the fellowship has kept me very busy. Its crazy. I will try to write me while I"m traveling this week. I promise to respond to emails next week!


TweetyJill said...
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TweetyJill said...

Hey Missy, I am waiting to read about all the chemistry that is being done. You do realise this is a work trip not a fun vacation right? :)

I just wanted you to know that I stopped by. I know you are having fun. Take care and be good.

Jenny Stratton said...

hey Charity, I know this is a crazy travel weekend for you and Andy - just wanted to say that I hope all goes smoothly! I miss hanging out with you guys already... have fun! Bonsoir :)