Saturday, June 30, 2007

First week in Marburg

I've posted a lot about my travels outside of Marburg but I haven't posted much about Marburg, other than I arrived. (I'm still here). Marburg is a university town about an hour north of Frankfurt. The population of the town is somewhere around 80,000 pepeople where 40,000 of those people are students (sounds like Champaign, except German). Most of the town lives is dorms or guest houses, I live in a dorm. Unlike most university towns where the town is seperated into University and city....the university is spread out over the entire town, and sometimes expands into towns next door. Reason why....Ich habe keine Ahnung! (I have no idea, a phrase I use often.) Actually, I do have some idea. If you look on a 2-D map, the city seems quite compact, but if you look at a topological map, you realize that the building 0.5 km away is actually 0.5 km west and 0.25 up. The city is very very hilly, meaning that if you want to get anywhere, you have to take a bus or hike uphill. The city center is concentrated into a 1.0 km radius at the base of the hill, while everything else is spread out on the hill tops. The chemistry building appears to be 1 km away from the main train station, but in reality, you have to hike 2.0 km to get to the building or take a 6 km bus ride.

If you decide to hike though, the view is quite lovely. Germany is very green. This area of Germany receives 1-2 inches of rainfall every two days so things are always growing and the air is always fresh. The hiking paths are well marked with pine needles. In order to get to the bus stop, I actually have to hike along some of these paths, and its a highlight of my day. To get an idea of the town, I've posted some pictures on picassa.

I've also posted pictures of my train trip to Marburg (I slept in a 2 bed couchette) and my room in the dorm. My train trip to Marburg wasn't nearly as exciting as the train trip from Switzerland but one point is worth mentioning....sometimes is worth it to pay the extra money for a two person bed. My room was air conditioned, clean, and the attendant came to wake me up when my station was close. Much better than the italian train. Anyways...I'm going to stop blabbering and let you see the pictures. Enjoy!

Marburg Week 1

1 comment:

Dan Griffiths said...


I dont remember Marburg from while I was in Frankfurt. Of course I was really young then, middle school, so I didnt think about university towns.

I dont think this RSS feed thingy is working correctly. It didnt tell me that you had a new post. It seems to be working more like a bookmark.

Today I went to the IE feeds button and clicked your feed and was taken to the last comment that I had made to you. Then I clicked a link to be taken to the web page and I was taken to the comment part of the web page. From there I noticed that you had a new entry on the web page.