Friday, June 15, 2007

Off to Prague for the weekend

I'm off to Prague this weekend so I won't post much again until I return on Monday. I hope to have a lot of pictures by then. But before I leave, I wanted to note of a large difference between US and European research groups...especially in the summer....European groups expect you to take time off.

The group looked at me in horror when I said I wanted to work the first weekend. They were right. I shouldn't have come in. Nobody was in the lab and the lab director even made me sign in before I could enter the building. since the first weekend, I've taken every weekend off. Last weekend Andy and I went to Vienna. This weekend, Prague. Next weekend...probably Switzerland. The list goes on and on. Anyways. I look forward to all these travel and I hope that the weekend travel pays off with increased focus during the week. (hasn't happened much yet because I'm too busy planning my weekends). I'm taking the train so I'll probably read some articles on the way.

Anyways, I'm off to Prague. Have a great weekend!

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